Now We Should Go After the Biggest Polygamist of Them All

Those of us who are against polygamy have had a couple victories over the last little while. Polygamist Warren Jeffs of a fundamentalist Mormon sect is now in jail in the United States. Included in his jailing was the finding of guilt for rape of some “wives” who were under age.

And in the Bountiful, British Columbia, Canada case the court has upheld polygamy as an offence. Prosecution for this crime withstood the charter of rights which gives freedom of religion as a tenet. It was found that in the case of polygamy other fundamental rights protected by the charter are violated.

So now I say we should go after the biggest polygamist of them all. He’s so well known that I think Kody Brown uses the same language in calling his wives “sister wives”. This polygamist is so brazen as to have “wife harems” all over the world. They go by the name of convents. Yes I’m talking about nuns who symbolically get married to Jesus Christ.

Jesus has had it good for too long, now. The practise of convents goes back many hundreds of years. Of course his Earthly body is used very sparingly so this religious concept is largely symbolic.

And in Jesus’ defence, I must say that the onus is largely on that cult of the Catholic Church that so many are said to be married to them. Still this cult makes sure his “wives” are old enough to willingly marry him unlike the jailed fundamentalist Mormons.

So it is largely seen as no harm to society that Jesus is married to so many. Since it is really a symbolic thing then I say the law can and must act. I believe justice would be served by locking up a crucifix in a cat carrying case.

Take that symbolic Jesus. Can your symbolic powers get you out? No. But you have many followers on Earth who might just help you break out of your jail. It’s too bad if you wind up with that cross still on your back.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as
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