Tag Archives: global warming

Do You Really Want to Live to 100?

One of my life goals was always to live to 100. More and more people are doing so. Why not me? Well this is a common area of interest, so much so, that it has brought people to study this. … Continue reading

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New Source of Income for the Government

So much of the pandemic response has been about creating new social programs for business and people. Not surprisingly, government is getting strapped for cash and could use some new forms of income. I have taken it on my self … Continue reading

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Lauding Economics but Dissing the Hard Sciences is a Recipe for Disaster

Politicians mostly hang on every word of an economist. They give that art its highest praise (as evidenced in practice) while trying to cherry pick the hard sciences of physics, chemistry and biology. Briefly I had a computer alias as … Continue reading

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The Good Cop – Bad Cop of Rainforest Preservation

So far the rainforest preservation arguments have all been given by good cops. You know at least some of the arguments for preservation: Don’t cut down the rainforest because it produces a large percentage of the world’s oxygen supply. This … Continue reading

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A Letter to the Editor of the Kitchener Post

I have written this letter to the editor in response to a letter in the Kitchener Post (a newspaper local to me), Climate Change Gurus Have No Evidence published on January 11, 2018 in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I think you … Continue reading

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Water Roads

“Well,” the tour guide explained to the aliens aboard the gondola, “We humans accidentally had the city of Venice sink beneath the waves. But before that happened, for a long time it sank slowly and we were treated to some … Continue reading

Posted in Geography, History, Science, Science Fiction, Wee Bit O' Humour | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Heat Wave Snobbery

I’ve been shocked to hear The Weather Network in Canada repeating the same dogma over the last few years. That is that a heat wave is defined to be at least 3 days in a row of temperatures above 32 … Continue reading

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Money For Nothing

Just about now, those who have invested in sea shore real estate in the U.S. might be thinking of the alternatives. Especially if global warming actually creates higher sea levels. The way I see it, there are two choices. The … Continue reading

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Are Plants Drunk Off the Excess Carbon Dioxide?

Very often, too much of even a good thing can result in wonkiness. For plants, the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because of all mankind’s activities, is probably a good thing for them. You see, plants take in carbon … Continue reading

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Nuke the Rain Forest

Is there a dangerous cure for global warming? The following article says there might be: A Small Nuclear War Would Stall Global Warming. They specifically say that 100 Hiroshima sized bombs would result in fires where mega tons of carbon … Continue reading

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