Category Archives: Geography

July Grab Bag o’ Humour

Giant hogweed had a nicer name when it was first exported to North America from Asia. It was supposed to be a nice, big, decorative plant. Oh, the folly of our ancestors! It spread easily and it quite earned the … Continue reading

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How Pure Are Your Virgins and Extra-Virgins?

Olive oil is becoming scarce because of a drought in Spain, one of the major producers of this oil. Before this, there were already fake olive oils floating around. With scarcity, this means that there is probably even more fake … Continue reading

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Do You Really Want to Live to 100?

One of my life goals was always to live to 100. More and more people are doing so. Why not me? Well this is a common area of interest, so much so, that it has brought people to study this. … Continue reading

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Las Leaders

Los leaders of Los Angeles and Las Vegas have just started to build a high speed train line between the two cities. The bullet train that it could carry, would exceed speeds of 300 km/ h. This would be a … Continue reading

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Summiting Everest

While driving one day on the plains of Asia, I was surprised to come up to a lineup of people. The finish of the line was over the horizon. They all had large packs with them, so you knew they … Continue reading

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A Tale of Two Cities?

It was recently found that the politest city in Canada shares a border with the rudest city in Canada. What could possibly be going on when you magically cross that border? Both cities are in the Greater Toronto Area. The … Continue reading

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Lessons in Geography

Let’s look at the continents starting from south to north. There is Antarctica. Then comes the currently joined plates of America. Then comes Australia. Then there’s Africa. Certainly not least is Asia. Last of all is Europe. One of these … Continue reading

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Beneath the Waves – Above the Waves

It made headlines recently, the fact that New York city is sinking. It is because of all the massive amount of weight contained in all those high buildings. But various parts of the city are sinking at different rates. Counter … Continue reading

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What’s in the Name, Newfoundland?

When the explorer Cabot got to Newfoundland in 1497, Columbus had already discovered America, so, it was definitely possible that this was the same land that Columbus had discovered. Still the name Newfoundland eventually did stick. Perhaps the British had … Continue reading

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April 2023 Grab Bag o’ Humour

As two letter abbreviations for Canadian provinces become more and more common in Canada, I looked up Newfoundland. NL is the two letter abbreviation for Newfoundland. This is way better than the four letter, Nfld., we were taught as kids. … Continue reading

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