Tag Archives: Los Angeles


I never heard of the EGOT till the TV show 30 Rock. But I’ve heard of it multiple places since so I think it snuck into the vernacular since then. It is an acronym of the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and … Continue reading

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Las Leaders

Los leaders of Los Angeles and Las Vegas have just started to build a high speed train line between the two cities. The bullet train that it could carry, would exceed speeds of 300 km/ h. This would be a … Continue reading

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Alien Encounters

Suddenly there it was. A blatant flying saucer hovering over Central Park. People stared, took pictures, and approached the ship for a closer look. About twenty minutes later the mayor and her entourage made their way slowly through the gathered … Continue reading

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Why Artists Seem to Love the San Andreas Fault

It must have begun with some of the earliest plays out California way. Actors and other artists know it is their bread and butter to cause some reaction in people. So after the earthquake/play they were delighted to hear the … Continue reading

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L. A. Losers

There are three big centres for music in the English speaking world. They are London, New York and Los Angeles. London bands sound like the clear winners of all the bands of the world. ‘Let’s see, should I stay in … Continue reading

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