Tag Archives: Canada

July Grab Bag o’ Humour

Giant hogweed had a nicer name when it was first exported to North America from Asia. It was supposed to be a nice, big, decorative plant. Oh, the folly of our ancestors! It spread easily and it quite earned the … Continue reading

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Oktoberfest began as a party to celebrate the marriage of Bavarian royalty in Munich in 1810. The marriage occurred on October 12 but the partying continued for the next few days. The participants had so much fun that they decided … Continue reading

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A Tale of Two Cities?

It was recently found that the politest city in Canada shares a border with the rudest city in Canada. What could possibly be going on when you magically cross that border? Both cities are in the Greater Toronto Area. The … Continue reading

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Lessons in Geography

Let’s look at the continents starting from south to north. There is Antarctica. Then comes the currently joined plates of America. Then comes Australia. Then there’s Africa. Certainly not least is Asia. Last of all is Europe. One of these … Continue reading

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Canadian Michaels and China

A few years ago, Canada arrested Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on behalf of the US and our agreements with that country. In retaliation, China arrested the two Michaels, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, two Canadians who were in China at … Continue reading

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April 2023 Grab Bag o’ Humour

As two letter abbreviations for Canadian provinces become more and more common in Canada, I looked up Newfoundland. NL is the two letter abbreviation for Newfoundland. This is way better than the four letter, Nfld., we were taught as kids. … Continue reading

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The Colours of Wealth

Centuries ago, they didn’t have an inexpensive dye for purple. But they did for the rest of the spectrum. So only rich people could afford purple clothes. The colour became associated with wealth. Royalty and nobles alike used to like … Continue reading

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The Luck of the Irish – No Thanks!

The nineteenth century in Ireland was dominated by poor government and the almost decade long Potato Famine. During the Potato Famine, 1 million people died and 2 million left Ireland for good. If the Irish were a lucky people, they … Continue reading

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The Long Game

Canada’s rise in the soccer world, first the gold medal winning women at the Tokyo Olympics and now the men’s team looking like it might qualify for the 2022 world cup of soccer – so far undefeated in the qualifiers, … Continue reading

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Figurative Stockholm Syndrome

Well we’ve just about closed the case for another election in Canada and still I wonder why people don’t vote for their self interest. For instance, the NDP was offering free pharmacare and free dental care. While both packages are … Continue reading

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