Tag Archives: Superman

Turning Off the News

Many times I’ve heard from people that they had stopped watching or reading the news. What stops these people from keeping up with current events? Inevitably it is the same reason. They don’t like watching something that is so negative. … Continue reading

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The Weakest Link in “Fabricated”

In my collection of short stories called “Fabricated”, I link together disparate fantasy machines. I’ve been saying they are strong links, but there is one weaker link. For time travel into the past, I substitute seeing into the past. I … Continue reading

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Superman Clothes Under Clark Kent’s Suit

How many times have I seen Clark Kent start to leap into action by pulling back his suit on his chest revealing the Superman S? Many times is the answer. I bet you’ve seen this before, too, dear reader. I … Continue reading

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Why I’d Make a Poor Superman

The header of this blog is me from about Hallowe’en in 1975ish in a Superman costume. I was puzzled when my mother, taking pictures of me outside in the costume, told me to pose like I was flying. But I … Continue reading

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Super Plan of the Diamond Giants

Since 1938 the diamond mining giants have been running scared. That date is important because it marks the 1st time that Superman appeared on the scene. Soon after, it was revealed that Superman had this trick of squeezing coal just … Continue reading

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The Insidious Malevolence of Krypton

Many years ago, the planet Krypton almost stamped out its Kryptonians. I used to think that Kryptonians like Superman and Supergirl and Kandorians were just unlucky that Krypton exploded taking with it many loved ones. But I no longer think … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Humour, Science Fiction, Stage and Screen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

She Wants Those Glasses Off

Previously I’ve posted about my black cat, Bast. Pretty well when I first got her, she would chew and bite at my glasses when I picked her up and held her. Then relatively recently she discovered my night hiding place … Continue reading

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Confessions of the Japan Thief

It was after being locked up for theft by Batman in Gotham City that I heard him speaking to Commissioner Gordon. I don’t know why Batman was being confessional but he said to the Commissioner, “You know Superman has no … Continue reading

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About the New Banner

Many thanks to my sister Laurel for creating my new banner for this blog. She is very skilled in photo manipulation as evidenced by this banner and creates the best cards from her computer and many pictures she takes. For … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, Art, Fashion, Wee Bit O' Humour, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

There’s a Fine Line Between Scientist and Supervillain

When you hear in the news that a meth lab or ecstasy lab has been busted you have to wonder who were the scientists that strayed into a criminal lifestyle? This means that not every scientist sees their pay as … Continue reading

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