Tag Archives: baby boomers

July Grab Bag o’ Humour

Giant hogweed had a nicer name when it was first exported to North America from Asia. It was supposed to be a nice, big, decorative plant. Oh, the folly of our ancestors! It spread easily and it quite earned the … Continue reading

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‘Battle of the Generations’ to be Called Off?

The new show which pits Boomers against Gen Xers against Millennials against Gen Zers may be forced to come to a halt. Why? Because of the scarcity of Gen Xers. When Gen X was in its infancy, it was firstly … Continue reading

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Generation Non Violence

Despite the hippie-trippy peace and love thing, the Baby Boomers were decidedly not the non violence generation. Indeed they were the opposite of that. In their time of youth, roughly when they were about 18-30, was the prime time for … Continue reading

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The Statutory Rape Generation

I was angered after hearing that the Millennial generation’s new cut off was being born in 1995 and not 2000. The whole point to being called Millennials is that certain important dates like graduation and schooling and of course births … Continue reading

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Never Trust Anyone Under 30

Do you remember that old refrain, “Never trust anyone over 30”. Maybe you don’t but I’ll bet all baby boomers and some gen Xers (like me) certainly do. This is the credo that brought drug culture to a very large … Continue reading

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Dithering Gen X Caused By Dithering Sociologists

X stands for the unknown in mathematics and that is how Gen X (full disclosure: I am a Gen Xer) gets perceived by the world. It’s not just that both surrounding generations (the baby boomers and the millenials) have a … Continue reading

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Baby Boomers Were Crooks

I may not prove the title in an air tight way in this rant. I am just going to posit this statement and make suggestions for how I see things. Others have danced around the obvious here. They have shown … Continue reading

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Don’t Worry, 2030 Will Come At Long Last

The saga of the baby boomers has filled the media for many of the last decades. Like no other group before them or since, they have been coddled. Except possibly in their most recent life milestone, where retirement ages have … Continue reading

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An Incredibly Vile Insult

Just this weekend I was insulted in such a vile and terrible way that I had to share it with someone. Michael Adams of Environics was the name caller. He called me, and indeed everyone born before 1970 and after … Continue reading

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The Herd Mentality of Baby Boomers

How many baby boomers does it take to screw in a light bulb? A herd. Why did the baby boomer cross the road? Because another baby boomer did. What do you call a lone baby boomer? Nonexistent. I can feel … Continue reading

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