Tag Archives: North America

July Grab Bag o’ Humour

Giant hogweed had a nicer name when it was first exported to North America from Asia. It was supposed to be a nice, big, decorative plant. Oh, the folly of our ancestors! It spread easily and it quite earned the … Continue reading

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Grab Bag o’ Humour, February 2023

Have you heard about the supermoons, as advertised in the press? Supermoons are full moons when the moon is closer to the earth than normal. They are perfect for lovers or those doing things outside at night. But they are … Continue reading

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It’s Soccer Club!

Soccer has made a comeback in North America. But you wouldn’t know that by the names. Toronto F. C. is the local team here in my part of North America. F. C. stands for football club. This Eurotrash attempt to … Continue reading

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Has 2020 Become a Curse Word?

The year 2020 started out innocently enough. In fact, for most of the world it seemed fine until March when the pandemic hit most of us hard. Really, it was Covid-19 that should have been next in line to become … Continue reading

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North American Shoulders are Slowly Relaxing

The good news for North American shoulders is that VW Beetle auto sales are decreasing over time. Why should this matter to North American shoulders? Fewer VW Beetles mean the spotting of fewer “Punch Buggies” where the sadist punches the … Continue reading

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Hug an Oak Today

You don’t have to be one of those environmentalist tree huggers to want to hug an oak tree. Just as you would hug a soldier before they go off to war, you should also hug that oak for it might … Continue reading

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Football Creep

The Super Bowl is tomorrow so of course this post mentions something about that. But it will be later in the post. For now let’s discuss that other “football”. In another word, I mean soccer. Major League Soccer is the … Continue reading

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Baby Boomers Were Crooks

I may not prove the title in an air tight way in this rant. I am just going to posit this statement and make suggestions for how I see things. Others have danced around the obvious here. They have shown … Continue reading

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Are Farmers Fowl Racists?

All the turkeys I’ve ever seen on farms (in real life, pictures, or video) are white. All the geese I’ve ever seen on farms are white. All the ducks I’ve ever seen on a farm are white. The majority of … Continue reading

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China is Broke

There is no need to reevaluate world economic might and clout. China still manufactures the lion’s share of the more inexpensive goods. And growth rates are still good for that country. By my title for the article I mean that … Continue reading

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