Category Archives: Wee Bit O’ Humour

Help From Beyond the Grave

When I first began writing regularly, many years ago, I used to play my favourite songs to get me in the right frame of mind to tell stories. Initially, it did get me going for my first painful years of … Continue reading

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How Pure Are Your Virgins and Extra-Virgins?

Olive oil is becoming scarce because of a drought in Spain, one of the major producers of this oil. Before this, there were already fake olive oils floating around. With scarcity, this means that there is probably even more fake … Continue reading

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The Enhanced Games

The Enhanced Games might actually get off the ground and offer a place where athletes can use steroids and other scientific enhancements while competing. They hope to get the “real” world records. And if you care to say that this … Continue reading

Posted in Science Fiction, Sports, Wee Bit O' Humour | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Average Girls

It’s easy to pick on someone when they have characteristics which aren’t like yours. That person is too fat, for example. But it’s not the fat you have an issue with. It’s their lack of averageness. This frees you up … Continue reading

Posted in Language, Mathematics, Wee Bit O' Humour | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Unending Hair Growth

The problem with unending hair growth for early humans, is that it would literally trip up our ancestors. This could spell trouble both when running from predators and running in when killing prey. Indeed, back then, I bet baldness was … Continue reading

Posted in Fashion, Science, Wee Bit O' Humour | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Six Basic Characters and Five Basic Settings

If you have delved into writing for any large degree you must have come across the idea (or the book) that there are seven basic plots. Now I am not going to tell you what these seven are (some have … Continue reading

Posted in Wee Bit O' Humour, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Leaning Towers

I’m not sure quite how they do it but architects and engineers seem to know when the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Millennium Tower in San Francisco are relatively stable. They’ve held up this long so far. But maybe, … Continue reading

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Pronouncing Sikh

When I was young I swear the news media as a whole used to pronounce the name Sikh as seek. It’s only in the last number of years that the whole of the news media changed to pronouncing members of … Continue reading

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Dystopias Over Utopias?

It seems to me there is a predilection in modern science fiction to discount all utopias but not to do the same with the dystopias. While I agree that utopias are generally out of reach for societies, there seems to … Continue reading

Posted in Science Fiction, Social Science, Wee Bit O' Humour | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Don’t Believe We’ve Been on the Moon?

I could try to lead you to that revelation. Like saying we can easily see satellites circling and the International Space Station, if you cared to actually observe. Getting to the moon is only a couple steps beyond this. But … Continue reading

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