Category Archives: History

July Grab Bag o’ Humour

Giant hogweed had a nicer name when it was first exported to North America from Asia. It was supposed to be a nice, big, decorative plant. Oh, the folly of our ancestors! It spread easily and it quite earned the … Continue reading

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Plunder Wonder

A trickle of repatriation of artifacts of particular value has already started. That is where the museums of the west and in particular Europe give back artifacts that are known to be from other countries. Because of this we are … Continue reading

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Manufactured Battle of the Bands

I don’t know of any big feuds involving any bands at the moment. However that doesn’t mean I can’t manufacture one. So we at Many Rants, would like to introduce The Who- Dire Straits feud to the world. A long, … Continue reading

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Behind the Nanny State

Many have called the governments that have the British monarch as their head of state, nanny states. In their rush to help the health and safety of its citizens, it is believed these governments have trampled on some of the … Continue reading

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A Tale of Two Cities?

It was recently found that the politest city in Canada shares a border with the rudest city in Canada. What could possibly be going on when you magically cross that border? Both cities are in the Greater Toronto Area. The … Continue reading

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‘Battle of the Generations’ to be Called Off?

The new show which pits Boomers against Gen Xers against Millennials against Gen Zers may be forced to come to a halt. Why? Because of the scarcity of Gen Xers. When Gen X was in its infancy, it was firstly … Continue reading

Posted in History, Humour, Social Science, Stage and Screen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Partial List of Rock Bands that are Better than the Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones are overrated. Some people in my area might disagree. The nearby city, Toronto, in order to declare that the risk of getting SARS was over, had a festival to declare that illness gone. They got the Rolling … Continue reading

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I don’t know what people were thinking out in the old west of North America with the cowboys and their giant herds of cows. It being the old west, everyone had guns. Sure that’s okay if you use yours. Then … Continue reading

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Beneath the Waves – Above the Waves

It made headlines recently, the fact that New York city is sinking. It is because of all the massive amount of weight contained in all those high buildings. But various parts of the city are sinking at different rates. Counter … Continue reading

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What’s in the Name, Newfoundland?

When the explorer Cabot got to Newfoundland in 1497, Columbus had already discovered America, so, it was definitely possible that this was the same land that Columbus had discovered. Still the name Newfoundland eventually did stick. Perhaps the British had … Continue reading

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