I never heard of the EGOT till the TV show 30 Rock. But I’ve heard of it multiple places since so I think it snuck into the vernacular since then. It is an acronym of the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony awards, the so called ultimate in American awards sweeping. Only 19 people have one including Whoopi Goldberg and Elton John.

But one of these awards ain’t kind of the same. One of the awards is different. As you might guess from my title, I would kick the weak sister of these four awards to the curb. I would get rid of the Tony awards. No it’s not a a lack of respect to the live theatre. It’s quite simply the fact that the Tony award is way too local and not fair to other parts of America.

I’ve been trying to find if other productions not in New York City are eligible for Tonys and I can’t find it said definitively. Perhaps someone with better google fu can find it for me. I thought the following was definitive for the last couple days then read it again today and realize it’s not either. It says: “Legitimate theatrical productions opening in any of the 41 eligible Broadway theatres during the current season may be considered for Tony nominations.” I just realized that there may be other, non Broadway theatres that are eligible.

I think the Tony awards are being deliberately vague because they don’t want it known that they are very local awards. New York is not nearly the dominant city it once was. It’s easy to imagine a Los Angeles or Chicago or San Francisco or Boston being able to support 1 or a number of live theatres that are as good as those 41 eligible Broadway ones.

Besides, there’s something fulfilling about saying these performance greats are EGO winners, with each letter capitalized. It just fits, you know. Isn’t performing all about the EGO.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as
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