Tag Archives: Santa

Las Leaders

Los leaders of Los Angeles and Las Vegas have just started to build a high speed train line between the two cities. The bullet train that it could carry, would exceed speeds of 300 km/ h. This would be a … Continue reading

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A Christmas Sandwich

Did you know elves only work about 1 month a year? It’s true because Santa only gets kids’ Christmas wish lists a month or so before Christmas. Of course Santa doesn’t want to create waste, so he makes sure a … Continue reading

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A Jacques O’ Christmas Tree Xmas Eve

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Santa Stakeout

I did indeed stakeout the neighbourhood last night, just like I said I would last post. I had a chair, paper and a pencil and that promised red light flashlight. Most of the time I stood, though, because the chair … Continue reading

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On Santa

Some years ago I traveled to Buffalo, New York with my Dad. While there, we went to a second hand shop. On the wall ( I forget if it was for sale or not) was an elaborate etching. I’ve crudely … Continue reading

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