Dear Donald Trump

You have won the election and now there are even signals that you won’t pull out of climate deals. I write this to try to make sure you do help the climate.

Firstly, science is not a buffet. You’re not supposed to choose certain theories and ignore others. Sometimes disparate theories are there because of the same basic idea. The current scientific thinking is the best that we have. In a way, saying no to climate science is also saying no to your smart phone or any other technology you hold dear. And science ideas are vetted way more thoroughly than any Apprentice show you’ve dreamt up.

But I mean to make climate science appeal to you. You are 70 years old and I bet you hold your wealth closer than you ever did. Why do I think this? Because you probably intend to make your life as long as possible.

There’s the standard idea that being able to afford the best doctors ensures the longest life possible. But that isn’t the only thing anymore.

There are drugs, now, that extend life. From rapamycin to metformin to ibuprofen the studies still need to be done fully on humans, but these drugs work in lower forms of life. And at least with rapamycin, given to older patients (equivalent to about 60 years old in humans), it still gives a noticeable extension of life. This means it is likely to extend your life, too.

And who knows how many doctors are working strictly to extend the lives of only the rich. If eating two puppies a day would extend your life to 200 years I’m sure that you and the rest of the very rich would partake.

In other words, it is not out of the realm of possibility that you will live to a ripe old age of 200 years old. You’ve heard those cries from the climate scientists, ‘if not for you than change for the benefit of your children’s children’.

Well you, Donald Trump, are likely to be alive in the heyday of your children’s children. As such you are going to want to be good to the environment. Help the rest of the world fight climate change by fighting it yourself.

In greed I trust,

Larry Russwurm

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as
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