Running Out of Steam

It’s slowly happening. I am running out of humour ideas. Don’t forget, I have to riff on an idea for a whole page or so. Or, if I’m doing a grab bag o’ humour, I have to have a lot of little ideas.

I’ve used up a lot of steam thus far. I am at post # 908. In other words, I have more posts than there are episodes of the Simpsons. That’s a lot of jokes. So I am seriously thinking of stopping once I reach 1000 posts.

So for the second week in a row I don’t have a humour post. I’ll live, you’ll live, but we may have to find our humour elsewhere after post 1000. As well as for this week.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as
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