Monthly Archives: August 2024

Maybe Boeing is Trying To Do Their Share in Evening Out Passenger Death Rates

Perhaps you have heard that the death rate per 100 million passenger miles varies greatly by method of transportation. This is true as shown by this linked graph. Basically the lowest that passenger cars dips to is 0.5 deaths per … Continue reading

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Guardian Caps

Guardian caps are now allowed in games in the Canadian Football League as well as games in the National Football League. And they look ridiculous. These caps are another layer of protection over the helmet of football players. With this … Continue reading

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Selective Breeding

When it’s not being used to make the snouts of collies even more anteater like, selective breeding can be a powerful thing. Unconsciously we can see it being done when actors marry actors, sports heroes marry sports heroes, musicians marry … Continue reading

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Extra Medals Everywhere

Until this Olympics, I was unaware that two bronze medals were handed out in each boxing weight group. I think this is a bit unfair to other sports. The reasoning is that boxers get hurt more than those in other … Continue reading

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The Chore of Voting

Finally! A politician who finally gets us! Donald Trump has finally offered conservative Christians the idea that they will never have to vote again. Presumably, policy in the future will probably be pro Christian. But I don’t know how he … Continue reading

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