The Chore of Voting

Finally! A politician who finally gets us! Donald Trump has finally offered conservative Christians the idea that they will never have to vote again.

Presumably, policy in the future will probably be pro Christian. But I don’t know how he could possibly speak for other parties. Unless, of course, if those other parties could never be voted in again. But even so, the call of never having to vote again is loud.

Imagine the following Utopia. You never again have to watch stupid politicians playing stupid politician games. A lot of the news you could now ignore.

And, the icing on the top of the cake is you never have to go out, once every 4 years for a 10 minute wait to vote at your local town hall. You never have to prove your identity for the intrusive workers at the polls, again. You can laugh at others bitching that it took them 2 hours of waiting in line just to vote for their favourite lefty. Or you can laugh it off if the exit polls don’t match the “real” polls.

Soon your favourite or only preacher will not have to tell you how a good Christian should vote. That will already be taken into account. You will not have to hear a sermon muddied with politics ever again.

But most importantly, once every 4 years, you will not have to do one more errand that might take you half an hour, all told.

The only unfortunate thing about this offer is that you will have to show up to vote one last time. If only Trump would somehow skip this last step.

But wait a second. Trump is so smart he managed to figure out how to do this, too? Conservative Christians don’t have to vote at all in the next election? And some called this brilliant man senile! He’s figured it all out. Conservative Christians don’t need to vote in this upcoming election, then.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as
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