I just realized what may have gone down in the RXV naming meeting. They had a viable vaccine for RSV. So maybe they wanted to name it ex RSV. But they wanted it to be shorter. So they replaced the ess sound for the ex sound. Hence, they called the vaccine RXV. Clever.

But do you want to know what was really clever advertising? Bubly using Michael Buble in their advertising. The ads made for good watching. I will only link one ad. See the rest on your own time. The possibilities for humour when your product name is very close to a likeable celebrity are entertaining.

So I think now that RXV can up their game even more. Say “Wayne Gretzky, RXV” three times fast. They are similar. Maybe we won’t make commercials as classic as the Buble ones , but they might be close.

I offered Wayne Gretzky because I know he is willing to shill for a company as he does for sports betting. Offer him up enough money and I’m sure he’s game enough for anything within reason. Check that word game. Maybe Wayne Gretzky is game for RXV. Well I’ll let the ad writers do the writing. But the possibilities are there.

Now naming a new pharmaceutical product usually involves coming up with a new word. Is there any rule stating that it can’t be close to a likeable celebrity’s name? A celebrity that you have a working agreement with? No there isn’t.

But corporations beware! These celebrities may not want to do ads with you (after the initial flurry of ads), for less than a billion dollars. After your name and their name are inextricably linked by being almost the same, no other celebrity will fit. That actually is okay for those in the medical field. That much money goes into promoting a new breakthrough drug anyhow. Maybe the corporation will pay, maybe it won’t. It depends if it needs that type of boost.

It’s my belief that Bubly was named depending on a contract with Michael Buble. This trick can be easily used for any new pharmaceutical. And the money is there. Watch for it in the future.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as @admin@larryrusswurm.org
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