Oasis Fees

The Gallagher brothers are back together and thus the band Oasis has been reunited. Often known more for their fiery fights than the music, Oasis will make a boatload of money for the reunion tour.

But Ticketmaster took heat for having added nearly as large amount in fees as the tickets themselves cost. But looking at the fee names, it’s easy to see why they were necessary.

The first fee was a Tambourines Can Also Be Weapons fee. The often feuding brothers have used tambourines as weapons before so you can see why this fee was necessary.

The next fee was a Cricket Bats Can Also Wreck a Studio As Well As Your Brother’s Head fee. This fee was absolutely critical in getting the brothers to reunite so of course it’s part of the price.

Next came the fee for A Fight Can Also Be Released As A Single. The brothers had a fight in an interview and had it released as the single, Wibbling Rivalry, the highest charting interview release in the UK.

Then there was the I Have a Sore Throat But I Can Still Heckle the Band fee. This fee comes with the warning that only Liam Gallagher can get away with this and absolutely no one in the audience is allowed to do this.

Then there’s the “You Can’t Question the Legitimacy of Noel’s Daughter fee. It was many years before Liam apologized for questioning exactly that.

Then there is the to be expected fee for a rock and roll show, The Wielding a Guitar Like an Axe fee. Surprisingly, this to be expected maneuver, is what broke the band apart in the first place.

But Oasis is back. Will the rivalry continue? Will there be new fights? Will there be new music? Will there be any music at all? Wait and see. The shows are set for 2025.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as @admin@larryrusswurm.org
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