Neanderthal Intelligence

Have you heard about psychology claims that East Asians are more intelligent than whites who are more intelligent than blacks? I used to ignore such claims until recently.

On IQ tests, East Asians are supposed to average 106, whites 100 and blacks 85 according to the article I link to. Many might disagree with such claims saying that the IQ tests are biased. I know I do. But for a moment let’s assume they’re true.

In this other article I link to, East Asians have the most Neanderthal DNA. They are closely followed by whites, and blacks have the lowest amount of Neanderthal DNA.

It isn’t ironclad that the more Neanderthal DNA you have that the more intelligent you are. But it is possible. It might even be probable. If only there were another way to gauge whether Neanderthals were more intelligent than us.

In the first article I linked, the author is convinced there is another underlying basis for East Asians having superior brains. They quite simply have bigger brains.

Did you know that it is believed that Neanderthals had bigger brains than Homo Sapiens? That includes East Asians. I thereby must conclude that Neanderthals were smarter than us. All Homo Sapiens that is.

The only thing that is likely to take my humble theory out is that I am just a white purporting this theory. If I were East Asian it should have more credibility. If I were Neanderthal, it would have the most credibility of all. Because that would mean I’m a time traveler.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as
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