Let’s say you wish to swear geographically. What would be the best way to go about this?
Well you may be up Schitt’s Creek without a paddle.
What the Fukishima is wrong with me?
If you don’t like it you can go to Helsinki!
Then there is also the grand twofer. Kiss my Aswan Dam it all.
In a bizarre turn of events, Donald Trump has decided that he wishes to be called by the more feminine side of his name: Dawn Trump.
There’s no word yet on whether the Dawn wishes to change their pronouns, but that could be coming in a future statement.
Some will likely be shocked by this revelation. But don’t be. The Dawn has been foreshadowing this for years with the orange hair and the orange skin. Indeed it could be said if dawn could be narrowed down to one colour, it just might be orange.
Canada and India have been having bad relations for a few years and it has been getting worse recently with Canada accusing India of killing a citizen on its soil as well as other egregious crimes. India denies the ties that have been found between Canadian crimes and its own government.
But really what is most straining on the relationship between the two is that they both want to be known as the world’s largest democracy. India wishes to claim this for the sheer size of its population. Canada wishes to claim it by the sheer size of its geography.
Will these two countries keep adding on new problems? Or will they get down to the real root cause of their feud? Maybe one could use world’s biggest democracy and the other could use world’s largest democracy.