
The first thing I’d like to rant about is the idiocy of YouTube in placing advertisements in the middle of music videos. They’ve done this both for a Yes song and for a couple of songs by Jon Anderson and the Band Geeks.

Yes these songs are longer than the average song, all being in the ten minute range. But Yes and Jon Anderson existed long before YouTube and their penchant for long songs predated YouTube by a few decades.

Indeed YouTube allows those old songs to be played without stopping it in the middle and interjecting an unwanted ad, thus not interrupting the flow of the song.

Why must you interrupt for current songs of that length? If you must squeeze in another advertisement, do it before the song is played. Interrupting a song in its middle is bad for a video, it’s even worse for the musical part.

I can’t help but plot revenge. I would like to sneak into the home of YouTube’s CEO in the middle of the night and slap them awake from a deep sleep. Yes. This is how it feels to have a song interrupted in the middle for an advertisement.

I would also like to rant about Imagine Dragons. I should have ranted about this a couple years ago when it was current, but I could find no solace in humour then.

Firstly, they released an album called Mercury Act 1. I thought this was mildly amusing. I kind of wondered if there would only be one more Act. I wasn’t expecting or prepared for what was really up their sleeve. So I bought the CD.

A bit over a year later the second set of songs was released. Imagine my surprise at the CD store when I found that Mercury Act 2 was only released as a pair with Mercury Act 1. There was no way to buy a separate Mercury Act 2. I checked the CD store a couple more times after that to see if they would relent and put Mercury Act 2 out separately. They did not. I did not buy that double CD and cursed the label and Imagine Dragons for putting me in such a situation.

Though I didn’t buy that album, I let bygones be bygones and bought their next CD. It’s the worst Imagine Dragons CD I know. It could have been better. Concurrently they streamed another song, Children of the Sky which was better than anything on the current CD. If they had included this on the CD, I would have been pleased with it.

Almost all the Imagine Dragons CDs had a concurrent song released that was not on the CD. Why does the label and Imagine Dragons hate its CD buyers so much? I am almost at the end of my rope and am seriously thinking of stopping any more purchases of Imagine Dragons CDs. Imagine Dragons or the label put me at this brink.

Don’t be surprised if sales are quite a bit down on the next CD. They will likely blame it on the unpopularity of CDs. Perhaps they will wonder why their own popularity is down, too.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as @admin@larryrusswurm.org
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