Hockey Sandwich – Grab Bag o’ Humour

Let’s go back to the Four Nations Cup. In the first game with Canada against the US, the Americans started 3 fights in the first 10 seconds. This surprising turn of events, eventually led to the Americans defeating Canada in that match.

But the Americans were overconfident. They did not start the second match with 3 fights in the first ten seconds. This lack of emotion in the second Canada/US match up and series crowning game put the US at a disadvantage.

Not only that, but the Canadians could now see that the Americans were quitters. They had started with a strategy that they had not followed up on. And that is why Canada won the series.


If I had a time machine, I know exactly which event in history I would like to erase. Hopefully this travesty would never be thought of again,

I would kill the person who first came up with silent letters in writing.

The problem is, whoever did such a dastardly deed, hid their tracks well and there is no way of knowing when exactly they started.

But I would start with Ptolemy’s parents. I would butter them up. Where did you come up with the idea of an extra letter in his name? I would ask. From there I would trace it back to its very beginning. I might have to kill the originator. Possibly that would be Ptolemy’s parents. Either way, I won’t be forced to write Ptolemy again.


Canadians love to lament that the NHL is not giving Canada enough hockey teams. Quebec City and Hamilton both really, really want a team. But the NHL is standing firm.

Well I have a surefire way of getting Canada a hockey team. The only problem with it, is that it will take a few years for the plan to come to fruition.

The plan has worked twice before. It is simply to give the city of Atlanta a hockey team.

Yes it has worked twice before. After the Atlanta Flames went belly up, they became the Calgary Flames. After the Atlanta Thrashers went belly up, they became the Winnipeg Jets. It can be done and has been done. It has directly resulted in a Canadian NHL team 100% of the time.

The only thing that might foil this plan is that the people of Atlanta might decide they like hockey.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as
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