Boxing Week is for Year in Review Stories

Happy blogiversary the second. That’s right, today’s post marks the conclusion of a 2nd full year of posting.

Last year, I posted links to the most popular posts I made that year. This year I won’t do that. Why? Because I’m angry this year with year end reviews happening as early as December 1. On that day the top news stories of the year were ranked in the press.

Call me old fashioned, but I seem to recall when year reviews were done during Boxing week (for those non Canadians who don’t know, Boxing Day is December 26th and thus Boxing week is the week between Christmas and New Year’s day). For instance not all big news stories happen in the first 11 months of the year. Speaking of Boxing Day, remember the Boxing Day Tsunami a few years ago in the Indian Ocean? That was the biggest news story of that year.

So I am moving my year in review to Boxing week, probably December 28. I figure this year that will be the day of my 200th post so that is also important.

So why are the year in review stories happening as early as December 1? I think this has to do with competing news outlets getting the jump on each other. If a newspaper chain rates the top news stories on December 2nd and a television network does so on December 1st, people are most likely to take the December 1st rating to heart and might even think the newspaper chain copied the network.

So I suggest to you, news upstart, to have the top stories of the year on November 30 of next year. You will get the attention first and be thought to be the best word on the subject.

This will of course start a year in review arms race. That newspaper chain will do the stories of the year article on November 29, the following year and that television network may follow with the year in review as early as November 25th of the following year.

I just say to you, reviewers, when we get before July 1, we must then start to say it’s not the biggest stories of the year in review, but the prediction of the biggest stories of the year.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as
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