Baby on Board signs have always been a self regulated kind of thing. The majority of the public doesn’t abuse the sign or the kind of behaviour the signs are meant to evoke. Myself and I think most of the public would agree the Baby on Board signs are still applicable when a Mother being driven is only pregnant.
But we’ve all been on a 4 lane street, pulling up to that Baby on Board vehicle, when we look in the back and see no baby or car seat. Then we are further surprised when neither the baby or car seat are in the front either. But maybe just maybe the driver is a pregnant female. We look over to see the lone driver is male. Obviously self regulation isn’t perfect.
Indeed self regulation can lead to other odd circumstances. Say there is a drunk driver who spots a Baby on Board sign. He speeds up to inspect the back to prove to himself the sign is valid. Driving very close to the back he can see there is no baby in the back so he swerves into the other lane to see more from the side. He matches speeds with the Baby on Board driver. Let’s say while peering over and driving by peripheral vision he spies either a pregnant mother or a baby. So now, deciding to honour the Baby on Board sign, since it is valid, he pulls over to the side of the road, turns off the car, pukes and passes out.
Ridiculous you say, but that is one of the avenues self regulation leads us down.
The picture I included shows a sign used to denote a new type of parking space. Two spaces were designated “Expectant and New Parents”. They are immediately beside a handicapped space right beside an entrance to Fairview mall in Kitchener. Since expectant and new parents now have a privilege that comes with the condition, perhaps we ought to have regulations similar to handicapped spaces.
The Baby on Board sign meets the visible requirement. It’s just that it needs to be certified somehow. So for privilege on the road as well as privilege in the parking game, I think Baby on Board signs need to be regulated. Some branch of the government, perhaps the ministry of transport ought to take this on. Of course they will charge a fee.
Until that time, I will buy the (for now) unregulated Baby on Board sign. So if you see a monster truck or sports car or even the Batmobile in an Expectant and New Parents parking spot, just look for the Baby on Board sign. Maybe Batman had a baby. But far more likely, it’s me or someone like me that has grabbed this great parking spot.
ZAISMOM213 from ELMONT, NY April 22nd, 2010I purchased this sign to place in our car. I felt that our car was not “child friendly”. We bought this in conjunction with the shade for the passenger window. No problems with the suction sticking.