One Cutesy Swear Word to Rule Them All

WARNING: This post should only ever be read by very mature individuals.

SECONDARY WARNING: If you are mature enough to read this post you will, with great certainty, not find it the least bit funny.

There is a cutesy substitution to every major English swear word. Most of the time the cutesy swear word starts with the same sound or letter. The major ones are substituted by fudge, shoot, butt, darn and of course heck. These exclamations are generally allowed in polite society.

It is my premise that only one cutesy swear word is needed. Allow me to proceed.

Fudge is that one cutesy swear word. I know you are skeptical and wonder why I am even trying to limit the expressiveness of the English language. But that one fudge is all we need. It’s just that I have to be incredibly immature to show you.

Anal sex is also called fudge packing. This in itself is a cutesy expression for a term not usually mentioned. Note that packing fudge is a euphemism for packing $#!+. So suddenly the cutesy fudge, can also be used for the cutesy shoot.

And $#!+hole means the equivalent of butthole. Therefore butt means $#!+ which means shoot which means fudge. So fudge now is a cutesy swear word for two other cutesy swear words.

I know what you’re thinking. It’s all a trick. The author has nothing left up his sleeve. But to that I just say “Nyeah,” and watch closely. I’ll simply fudge the remaining results. Tadah! The cutesy swear word fudge can now be used for all cutesy swear words. It now rules them all.

I usually give about ten tags at the end of each post, listing the more important thoughts or subjects. You’ll excuse me while I tag this post with exactly zero tags. I am afraid. I am very afraid.

About Larry Russwurm

Just another ranter on the Internet. Now in the Fediverse as
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