Consonants Need Vowels?

I remember being told that consonants need vowels by one of my elementary school teachers. I remember repeating this to my oldest sister, Lynda, after she had a kid or two.

Lynda said no you don’t need a vowel sound to make a consonant sound. You can just say Boo [as in book] or Foo [as in foot], for the B and F sounds. Notice that I had to use vowels to illustrate my point. But I never caught on to that at the time.

So I remember pre talking with her babies and using what I thought were just consonant sounds to get them to the point where they could almost speak. A couple months later they were speaking.

The short oo sound is the “invisible” vowel in English. It is the u in pull and bull. And the vowel that is between the T and L in cattle and bottle. It may seem invisible at first, but it is definitely there. I don’t blame my sister or me for not realizing it was a vowel, because shows like Electric Company would use this “invisible” vowel to sound out words.

For instance they would say Boo A Doo when sounding out the word Bad. Then they would say the three letter names closer and closer together until magically the oo sound disappeared and they said Bad.

When I realized this, I thought for years that what I was originally told was correct. Consonants need vowels.

That is until I saw mmmm written out one day and I forced myself to think about this. So it became consonants need vowels except m.

Then I thought of a few more. Ssss doesn’t need a vowel. Neither does zzzz. There are also Shhhh and Zhhhh. (If you’re wondering what sound zh is, it’s the g in mirage, the s in leisure. In school I was taught that it was the soft g sound.)

Anyhow, that’s five exceptions to the consonants need vowels rule. Do you have any more?

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The Roaring Lion

If you heard the name of the famous photograph, The Roaring Lion, and asked to see it, I’m sure you would be confused. Firstly there is no image of an actual lion in this photograph. Instead you would see a rather dour looking Winston Churchill. Hardly a lion and at 67 years old, not nearly as strong or powerful as an actual lion.

As for the roaring? Churchill isn’t even opening his mouth, let alone roaring at the photographer. Maybe he’s humming but that’s about the only sound he could make when this picture was snapped.

But in symbolism, Great Britain has long been represented by a rampant lion, particularly Scotland. This is supposed to go back to ancient times. How a lion came to represent a nation without any lions at all, is truly one of life’s big wonders. Perhaps a better symbol of Britain could be a zookeeper. They are the people that not only brought the lion to the north, but take care of it as well.

Anyhow, if Britain is a lion, then in World War II, Churchill could have been said to be its voice. So perhaps that is the explanation of the name of this portrait.

But here is the real reason for the name of the portrait. The photographer, Karsh, asked Churchill to put his cigar in an ashtray since the smoke would interfere with the photo. Churchill refused so Karsh grabbed the cigar from Churchill while asking for forgiveness. Only then did Karsh take the photos, including the famous one where Churchill is having a nicotine fit.

After the session, Winston Churchill said, “You can even make a roaring lion stand still to be photographed.” And that is the official reason for the name of the picture.

It’s interesting that this photograph, which was hung in the Fairmont Chateau Laurier in Ottawa (which is signed by Karsh) is worth millions. It was stolen from its place last year and sold for only about $10 000. It is my belief that the negative is worth the most because more photos could be made from it. Library and Archives Canada holds that and is keeping the price of prints up by promising not to make any more photographs off the negative.

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November 2024 Grab Bag o’ Humour

Let’s say you wish to swear geographically. What would be the best way to go about this?

Well you may be up Schitt’s Creek without a paddle.

What the Fukishima is wrong with me?

If you don’t like it you can go to Helsinki!

Then there is also the grand twofer. Kiss my Aswan Dam it all.


In a bizarre turn of events, Donald Trump has decided that he wishes to be called by the more feminine side of his name: Dawn Trump.

There’s no word yet on whether the Dawn wishes to change their pronouns, but that could be coming in a future statement.

Some will likely be shocked by this revelation. But don’t be. The Dawn has been foreshadowing this for years with the orange hair and the orange skin. Indeed it could be said if dawn could be narrowed down to one colour, it just might be orange.


Canada and India have been having bad relations for a few years and it has been getting worse recently with Canada accusing India of killing a citizen on its soil as well as other egregious crimes. India denies the ties that have been found between Canadian crimes and its own government.

But really what is most straining on the relationship between the two is that they both want to be known as the world’s largest democracy. India wishes to claim this for the sheer size of its population. Canada wishes to claim it by the sheer size of its geography.

Will these two countries keep adding on new problems? Or will they get down to the real root cause of their feud? Maybe one could use world’s biggest democracy and the other could use world’s largest democracy.

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Rogaine Rogan

Joe Rogan is a famous podcaster. You may not be aware of the fact that people are attracted to their own names or very similar names. For instance Lawrences often become lawyers and Dennises often become dentists. So that’s why I call him Rogaine Rogan for his attraction to the pharmaceutical that is supposed to grow hair.

But wait you might say. Joe Rogan sports a bald head at most times. Surely he of all people would be anti Rogaine, if anything.

Maybe, but the call of Rogaine crept into his consciousness over time. He thought about adding it to his chest and legs to see how thick he could make those hairs in those parts of his body. Then he thought he might make it stylish to have a hairy back by using Rogaine there. He has just enough influence this just might become popular for awhile. But then he realized it would inevitably go out of style and he would be stuck shaving his back for the rest of his life. And he can’t reach there by himself.

So Joe decided to have a secret place where he let his hair grow – his esophagus. With this idea becoming firmly entrenched in his brain he began to chug bottles of Rogaine.

As the hair grew it slowly dawned on Joe that some of his food was getting trapped in the hair and not making it to his stomach. Of course he didn’t want to starve to death so he came up with the plan that he would have to shave it.

He tried using manual razors on a string. But this barely cut any hair because there was no leverage. It was time for him to think outside the box.

Acting quickly, with his stomach grumbling all the time, he enrolled in sword swallowing lessons. This poked the food down into his stomach and now he had hope.

But really his plan all along was to use a sword with a sharp blade. Once he inserted it, with his head up and his back straight, it could be slowly rotated to shave his interior esophagus. He would have to rotate that sword a full 360 degrees while inside him.

This was successful for Joe and now he easily does his sword swallowing shave once weekly.

So now Joe is happy and still is attracted to his name. So he watches anything that Seth Rogen has ever been associated with.

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The Mr Universe Pageant

For those who don’t know, the Mr. Universe pageant is all about body building. Those who have built their bodies to the maximum musculature are vying for the best bodies to be determined by the hopefully neutral judges.

They are judged on symmetry, proportion, muscle size and clarity.

Needless to say, I would not be eligible to win such a competition with my Dad bod. (Full disclosure: I am not a Dad.) But back in the day, when I did have a good body, I wouldn’t have been eligible for any of the awards of this pageant, either. Indeed I felt insecure about my body precisely because it never measured up to the standards of these body builders. By the very nature of this competition, you are meant to not feel good enough unless you are one of the top body builders in the world.

Indeed, people accomplished-with-their-bodies are meant to feel worse about their bodies because of these competitions. You know, gold medal swimmers, runners, decathletes, shotputters etc. feel lesser than body builders because of this competition.

I looked at some of the bios of the Mr. Universe winners and saw that only Eddy Ellwood was a Strong man competitor in Britain. In other words, all that body building doesn’t necessarily make a competent athlete. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that they are athletes. Decades ago I remember watching Battle of the Network Stars and thought that it was unfair that Lou Ferrigno (the Hulk) could compete. But then I saw him run his fastest. Those muscles in his legs may be strong but they weren’t fast.

So now I say don’t waste your time regretting that you don’t have a bodybuilder’s body. Your body may be attractive in its own right. I now think my high school body was good. I could see a six pack in my body back then. I thought I had a sunken in chest but I think it might have looked that way only because I had broad shoulders. Then I also felt insecure of the body I had in my twenties. I gained 15 pounds when I turned 20. The bottom two muscles in my six pack were now covered by a bit of fat so you could no longer see them. But my chest had gained muscle and now jutted out. But I was convinced that I weighed too little. I would be proud to have either body right now. And I will miss my present Dad bod when I am just a brain in a jar somewhere, clinging to a truly sedentary life.

I believe Mr. Universe is harming the world with the looks it presents as being excellent. That’s all it is, is looks. There is no talent contest. There are no questions that might make you think of these men as anything but muscle heads. These contests are worse for society than even beauty pageants. Still, if I had to move furniture and could only choose my movers based on looks, I think I would choose the last couple reigning Mr. Universes.

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Antarctica Door Can Only Mean One Thing

Finally explorers have found it. A door sticking out of the Antarctica landscape. This can only mean one thing. We have finally found Superman’s Fortress of Solitude.

Superman had us all fooled. He led us to believe that the Fortress of Solitude was in the high Arctic. When in fact it existed all along in the opposite part of the world. That Kryptonian brain of his is of course capable of super lies.

You can look at the door in the link. It doesn’t look like there is a giant keyhole for a giant key that only Superman is strong enough to lift and use. So there is a possibility that there is a way humans can get in and explore this wonder of the world. Or wonder of Krypton.

I say we send an expedition posthaste with the greatest locksmiths and escape room solvers to find a way inside.

I would love to be able to open a portal to the phantom zone or even more importantly the bottle city of Kandor.

Which reminds me that the tiny super powered Kandorans are likely flying around, protecting the Fortress of Solitude from nefarious people like Lex Luthor and Brainiac. And weren’t there Superman robots, too? The loot in this place is enough to make anyone marvel.

If we can communicate with those teensy Kandorans, who are likely flying around everywhere, I think we can agree on some ground rules that they will enforce with their superpowers. These super fleas, if you will, will be the law in the Fortress of solitude.

Are we going to be the first humans that have been there? My take is that Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen and Batman have already been there before us. But still it will be a wonder for any of us. And the Kandorans can help us decide what works and what doesn’t with modern technology, For instance we could find out about the upheavals AI is likely to have in store for us so we can act accordingly. Thank you, eagle eyed Google Maps watchers.

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Neanderthal Intelligence

Have you heard about psychology claims that East Asians are more intelligent than whites who are more intelligent than blacks? I used to ignore such claims until recently.

On IQ tests, East Asians are supposed to average 106, whites 100 and blacks 85 according to the article I link to. Many might disagree with such claims saying that the IQ tests are biased. I know I do. But for a moment let’s assume they’re true.

In this other article I link to, East Asians have the most Neanderthal DNA. They are closely followed by whites, and blacks have the lowest amount of Neanderthal DNA.

It isn’t ironclad that the more Neanderthal DNA you have that the more intelligent you are. But it is possible. It might even be probable. If only there were another way to gauge whether Neanderthals were more intelligent than us.

In the first article I linked, the author is convinced there is another underlying basis for East Asians having superior brains. They quite simply have bigger brains.

Did you know that it is believed that Neanderthals had bigger brains than Homo Sapiens? That includes East Asians. I thereby must conclude that Neanderthals were smarter than us. All Homo Sapiens that is.

The only thing that is likely to take my humble theory out is that I am just a white purporting this theory. If I were East Asian it should have more credibility. If I were Neanderthal, it would have the most credibility of all. Because that would mean I’m a time traveler.

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Guitar Slinging

There are two schools of thought in regards to how your rock guitar, bass or keytar is slung. The first school says that to be as cool as possible, the guitar should be slung as low as possible while the musician is still able to play the instrument.

Generally the maximum low is roughly when the guitar body is as low as your groin and the rest of the instrument appears as if it is coming out of your groin area. If you think I am saying groin a lot, you would be right.

The guitarist, bassist or keytarist plays with this giant instrument that is coming out of their groin. Isn’t that cool? Or is it just masturbation?

One might wish to call the guitarist, bassist or keytarist a giant dick. But they will just respond with a simple, “I’m not a giant dick. I play a giant dick.”

The other school of thought around guitar slinging is that the guitar should be held up high enough that the musician can play with maximum agility, speed and stretch. This musician can now play more complex pieces if he/she wants to.

It’s no surprise that the prog rock guitarists, bassists and keytarists all seem to play with their instrument up higher, more like the body of their instrument is based at the belly button and the instrument appears to come out of this area. Not only do prog rock musicians do this, but, virtuoso musicians like Eddie Van Halen and Mark Knoppfler also do this.

Not only is this much better for the complexity of the music, you can even say Steve Howe (of Yes) is such a good guitarist that he practically came out of the womb playing the umbilical cord. Yup, straight out of the belly button. No wonder virtuoso musicians play from the belly button.

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September 2024 Grab Bag o’ Humour

Donald Trump will have you believe that he is the most persecuted of all presidents ever. With two attempted assassinations in a few weeks, many might believe this bluster.

But Gerald Ford had two attempts on his life within 17 days in September, 1975. Obviously Gerald Ford was more persecuted than Donald Trump. So unless Donald Trump has a new assassination attempt, I would say Gerald Ford was the most persecuted president.

I largely believe that Ford was the most persecuted because of the deal he might have made with Richard Nixon, his predecessor. It’s very widely believed that Nixon resigned, which made Ford president and in return, Ford used his presidential pardon on Nixon.

However, if Trump said most prosecuted president, he would be 100 % correct.


There is a newish advertisement for Canadian Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, voiced by his wife, an immigrant. This is a clever ploy on the part of the advertisers. The Conservatives are known to be anti immigration in a lot of their policies. Indeed this party is probably the most recent one that has been accused of racism. Perhaps they can persuade a lot of immigrants or pro immigrants to switch to voting for their party, if this ad does its job.

Anyhow I cannot help but think that his wife’s accent makes the word boy (in describing a young Poilievre) sound like the word bully both times she says it in the full ad. Not only is this funny and you can’t help hearing it in the ad, but it harkens back to the old stereotype of a conservative politician who might best be described as a bully.

Indeed, Poilievre’s wife should know him best and if she describes him as a bully, well who am I to argue?

This ad has convinced me to not vote for Poilievre.

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Oasis Fees

The Gallagher brothers are back together and thus the band Oasis has been reunited. Often known more for their fiery fights than the music, Oasis will make a boatload of money for the reunion tour.

But Ticketmaster took heat for having added nearly as large amount in fees as the tickets themselves cost. But looking at the fee names, it’s easy to see why they were necessary.

The first fee was a Tambourines Can Also Be Weapons fee. The often feuding brothers have used tambourines as weapons before so you can see why this fee was necessary.

The next fee was a Cricket Bats Can Also Wreck a Studio As Well As Your Brother’s Head fee. This fee was absolutely critical in getting the brothers to reunite so of course it’s part of the price.

Next came the fee for A Fight Can Also Be Released As A Single. The brothers had a fight in an interview and had it released as the single, Wibbling Rivalry, the highest charting interview release in the UK.

Then there was the I Have a Sore Throat But I Can Still Heckle the Band fee. This fee comes with the warning that only Liam Gallagher can get away with this and absolutely no one in the audience is allowed to do this.

Then there’s the “You Can’t Question the Legitimacy of Noel’s Daughter fee. It was many years before Liam apologized for questioning exactly that.

Then there is the to be expected fee for a rock and roll show, The Wielding a Guitar Like an Axe fee. Surprisingly, this to be expected maneuver, is what broke the band apart in the first place.

But Oasis is back. Will the rivalry continue? Will there be new fights? Will there be new music? Will there be any music at all? Wait and see. The shows are set for 2025.

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