Tag Archives: prog rock

Simple Rock vs Prog Rock

Gene Simmons, a stalwart of simplicity, via his band Kiss, has pronounced his brand of simple rock as being harder to come up with than the more complex stylings of prog rock. He says it’s harder to come up with … Continue reading

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Replacing the Few With the Many

A couple albums ago, the band Yes was faced with the prospect of not having a keyboardist. Big things are expected of a Yes keyboardist because such people as Rick Wakeman, Tony Kaye, Geoff Downes, Patrick Moraz and Igor Khoroshev … Continue reading

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F U Floyd

I apologize profusely for that title if your name actually is Floyd. I mean it for someone whose last name is Floyd and whose first name is Pink. That’s right, Pink Floyd, I mean you. I think you’ll need some … Continue reading

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And Some Think Hawking’s American Accent is Funny

Why is it that when I know a rock band is British, I know it because I’ve been told. Why can’t I tell a song is British by the accent? In almost every single rock act there is no discernible … Continue reading

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