It is boxing week, again, where I try to highlight some of my best posts of the last year.
At the start of this year I trot out one of my pet peeves. In Summiting Everest, you can easily tell that these people, who were once heroes in my mind, now occupy a much lower spot in my current estimation.
In Manufactured Battle of the Bands, I suggest that Dire Straits and the Who seem poles apart in certain regards.
In Simple Rock vs. Prog Rock, I refute one of Gene Simmons asinine suggestions. He suggested that it’s harder to come up with his simple songs than the more complex prog rock.
Selective Breeding gives step by step instructions that could lead to a superhuman,
Guitar Slinging looks at how rock artists sling their guitars and basses. So which style are you? Slung low or slung high?
Then finally in November 2024 Grab Bag o’ Humour, we look at geographical swearing, a newish name for the Donald, and the largest democracy.
Wishing you and yours best wishes for the coming year.