Ford Flip Flops

Doug Ford is a known flip flopper. First he wasn’t going to develop Ontario’s greenbelt. Then he was going to develop it come hell or high water. If a developer crony of his became a billionaire, so be it. Then when he flip flopped the other day after a bad time in the press and after 3 resignations because of it, we’re supposed to believe he has flip flopped for the final time on this issue.

How can we the public, make sure this is his final flip flop on the issue? Maybe we can sell it as the patriotic thing to do.

You see, the flower of Ontario and the most often used symbol in Ontario propaganda is the trillium. Which is so named because it is a 3 petaled flower.

We can just say that like a patriotic Ontarian, Doug Ford was just playing I Love the Greenbelt/I Hate the Greenbelt on a trillium as a way to give him definitive answers on the subject. He started with I Love the Greenbelt. And like any truly patriotic Ontarian, he also ended with I Love the Greenbelt on the third and final petal. We can just ignore his I Hate the Greenbelt on his second petal that he agreed with many times and quite loudly.

So not only has Doug Ford canned his aggression against the Greenbelt, he did it in a way that seems patriotic.

Of course some Ontarians may find it offensive that he destroyed a trillium in this process, too. I guess you just can’t win for flip flopping.

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Dystopias Over Utopias?

It seems to me there is a predilection in modern science fiction to discount all utopias but not to do the same with the dystopias. While I agree that utopias are generally out of reach for societies, there seems to be no balancing idea that dystopias are also out of reach. Indeed, they seem quite obtainable if you are to listen to a lot science fiction.

Personally, I think utopias and dystopias are both out of the question for our society in any near future. The first is too perfect and the latter is too imperfect. What isn’t out of the question is improving and failing societies. Again I think people tend to latch onto the failing societies as the way things are going and dismiss improving societies as impossible fluff.

I think that this is largely the triumph of cynicism over intellectualism. This is where the cynics are considered realistic and thus more important than the intellectuals.

I think that the truth of the matter is that cynicism is easier. It is easier to point out problems than to actually fix them. The intellectual not only thinks of the problem, they provide a possible fix to the problem as well and that is harder. This is why I believe intellectuals deserve praise over cynics. As such I prefer the more optimistic entries in science fiction.

But probably the main reason that I would wish to see dystopian science fiction wiped out as much as possible is because politicians keep trying to use the worst of dystopian SF as something to aspire to. We don’t want big brother and we don’t want the handmaid’s tale. But we are at the risk of getting both at the same time! Some politicians do want this, and are too stupid to think of how to run such a society. So they are inspired by dystopian SF. Quit providing a blueprint!!!!!

If the politicians are successful, then the cynics can say their SF foresaw the future accurately. Which gives them even more street cred. This is why we must say intellectualism over cynicism, improving societies over failing societies and even utopias over dystopias!

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Don’t Believe We’ve Been on the Moon?

I could try to lead you to that revelation. Like saying we can easily see satellites circling and the International Space Station, if you cared to actually observe. Getting to the moon is only a couple steps beyond this.

But instead I will say mankind still hasn’t scaled Everest. After all, the air has to be so thin up there that they’d need to carry oxygen tanks up there with them. And amongst all their other equipment they’d have to take, it would all be too heavy to scale with. I know there are stories about expeditioners ditching spent oxygen tanks. But that just means they had to carry up more than one. Which gets heavier and more unwieldy. To me, the math just doesn’t work out.

So what was that kerfuffle in 1953 with Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay? Why they were just the first two to officially give up for the reasons cited above. Instead they partied at base camp and got their made up stories straight.

They decided how long it should take to make it up with all the equipment they’d need. Every step of the story was worked out, and when they got back, the public accepted the story like prime grade suckers.

Have you dreamed of heckling the Moon walkers live and in person? Only 12 people have supposed to have walked on the moon. By comparison, about 400 mountain climbers say they attempt to scale Everest in 1 year. Your chances of meeting an Everest climber is much bigger than a moon walker. So heckle the Everest climbers.

But why was Edmund Hillary met with such a positive response? Because his plan for the Everest climbers to just party at base camp saved many lives. Thus he was knighted.

Now there are a lot of true believers. What if one of them goes to the Everest base camp and doesn’t want to pretend? Those are the ones who climb up but never come down. That’s what they get for being a true believer.

Harsh? Yes. But the whole story of Everest is harsh. It’s a story of man against nature, where nature should win. But thankfully the ranks of the true believers becomes smaller every year. As evidenced by the way a higher percentage of the climbers make it every year.

Don’t believe we’ve made it to the moon? Well don’t try to entertain me with your mountain climbing stories.

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When ‘Champion of the World’ Doesn’t Mean ‘Champion of the World’

For ease of understanding, let’s look at the champion of the 100 meter run or what is known as ‘the fastest man in the world’.

Usually the winner of the world championships or, if it’s in the correct year, the winner of the Olympics, carries the title of fastest man in the world. But really, it’s more a rock/paper/scissors type of thing. There might be the “usual” winner at the various track meets around the world. But some of those events are won by others as well.

Say one of those competitors wins more often with a strong wind at his back. And another competitor wins against a strong wind. And yet another competitor would likely win but he usually gets two false starts and is kicked out of competition. There we have 4 possible winners of the 100 meters. On any given day, any one of them could win. The fastest man in the world is a toss up.

They don’t have a 100 meter speed skating event, but if they did, the champion would be faster than the 100m runner. If there were a 100 meter cycling event, that competitor would likely easily beat the 100m runner. And fastest of all at 100m would be the downhill skiers. You may object to these 3 because they use cycles, skates and skis, machinery that makes them go faster. But we could object to the starting blocks and even running shoes of the 100m runners for the same reason.

To get a new slate of winners in the 100m, we could just put some hurdles on the track. Suddenly the contenders for fastest man in the world would look different. The top hurdlers would now be the fastest men in the world.

Using steroids is known as cheating in sport. But that should mean nothing when we are talking about the fastest man in the world. Ben Johnson was the fastest man in the world in the 1988 Olympics when he won the 100m in the fastest time. Of course his time was thrown out when it was found he was using steroids. There is no argument that he wasn’t the fastest. Of course he was.

But probably the biggest reason that champion of the world doesn’t mean champion of the world is that the champion hasn’t really been pitted against 7 billion other people on earth. Each one of these may have become faster, for instance, if they had been trained from early on with all the best coaches and equipment and resources.

For instance, in the 1976 summer Olympics in Montreal and the 1988 winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada failed to pick up any gold medals. So money was thrown at the athletes in the years preceding the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. In those winter Olympics Canada won 14 gold medals. I believe that was a record for the winter games.

All of this is why the champion of the world is not necessarily the champion of the world.

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August 2023 Grab Bag o’ Humour

I just saw that scientists are trying to mimic meat more completely, with new textures. I was about to go “Yay science,” when I realized that I like things right where they are, now.

I like the taste of the vegetarian meat substitutes, right now. It tastes enough like meat to make me satisfied. If it had the texture of meat, I might not like it so much.

You see, meat is fibrous. And those fibres can get stuck between your teeth. Thus resulting in the need for toothpicks. I have never had to use a toothpick for any of the vegetarian meat products. This is a good thing. It is an advantage over meat in my opinion.

But wait. In the same news bite, they also said that the plant based texture they are experimenting with is really inexpensive. So the suspicion is that once they get this new meat substitute up and running, it will likely be cheaper than meat. So it may become more commonplace than the current meat substitutes.

In other words we could end up paying more to not use toothpicks. The premium vegetarian meat substitute is available now. So enjoy them right now.


I’m a tiny bit jealous of transgender kids. They can, unbeknownst to their parents, be known by a different name in school. (At least in some parts of Canada).

I would have loved this and used it when I was younger, and heck, even today.

Back in those school years it would be fun to be known as Farty Mcfartface. Imagine that. You could make the teacher say fart twice, every time they addressed you. Of course it would be even better making the teacher say a swear word. But that’s not going to happen. If they ban them on licence plates they can ban them in your preferred name.

I do suspect that in the romance department that females wouldn’t like to go out with a Farty McFartface. So that would likely goad me into changing my name to something more normal. So from then on, I would like to be know as Gnorman Gnormal.

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A Tale of Two Cities?

It was recently found that the politest city in Canada shares a border with the rudest city in Canada. What could possibly be going on when you magically cross that border?

Both cities are in the Greater Toronto Area. The politest is Markham and the rudest is the city of Vaughan. I feel I can give my opinion here as I once lived in Vaughan and I once worked in Markham.

Vaughan was so happy when it could finally call itself a city. Because it was in the GTA it didn’t feel comfortable doing this till it had a population of over 100 000 (in the rest of Ontario, places call themselves a city if they have over 30 000 people). Back then, it could join the ranks of North York, Brampton etc. as a peer. But it couldn’t peer with Markham. Markham had 150 000 people at that time and was still demanding to be called a town.

Indeed it wasn’t till 2012 that a government of Markham changed this to be called a city. At that time, Markham was the 16th largest municipality in Canada with 310 000 people. Even at this size, developers opposed the change, thinking it would make Markham less desirable.

But bad blood shouldn’t exist from that time. 2012 is so long ago. The pretentious bastards who kept calling Markham a town are long gone. Aren’t they?! So Vaughanians are long over it and the fact that some Markhamers still want to be a town.

How can Vaughanians ) @ ^^ ^ the city of Markham? I certainly can’t. Those @$$es are finally doing exactly what I wished them to do way back in the ’90s.

Markham being called a city was long past due. I bet the Markhamers apologize for their tardiness, these days. Especially now, that they have to live up to their polite ranking. But politeness only counts for so much. I wouldn’t be surprised if Markham had the same per capita murder rate as Vaughan.

Politeness is just that. It doesn’t necessarily carry over into other areas of life. Indeed it might be a veneer for the horrible things that lurk beneath the surface.

Like when I worked in Markham, I had to cover my seething rage with a polite demeanor in order to serve the public.

Anyhow, my verdict is that Vaughanians are rude precisely because Markhamers are polite.

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Lessons in Geography

Let’s look at the continents starting from south to north. There is Antarctica. Then comes the currently joined plates of America. Then comes Australia. Then there’s Africa. Certainly not least is Asia. Last of all is Europe.

One of these continents is different. Well at least one of these doesn’t start and end in an A. Now why would Europe be separated so much in the English language?

But wait. Saying there is a continent of America is really quite a stretch. Obviously it should be broken down into North America and South America. This makes these names different as well. Maybe because both continents were heavily settled by Europeans. Since indigenous Americans hadn’t been exposed to the old world’s viruses and germs, Europeans were able to heavily colonize the Americas.

Then what’s the story with Australia? They also were heavily colonized by Europeans because of a decimated indigenous population. I think the difference is obvious. Any day now, the indigenous are going to rise up and kick all the Europeans out of Australia. I give it two years, tops. It’s all in the name.


There is much debate in Canada about where Hollywood North is. Toronto has claimed this title, So has Vancouver. Montreal has too. I bet anytime a Canadian prairie city has a film shot in it, that they do to. I used to be an agnostic in this debate. Now I believe in a pan Hollywood North. i.e. Hollywood North is all of Canada.

The thing about Hollywood and California in general are the nice temperatures for its climate. Canada will never have this. Even with climate change, we won’t have this. Our temperatures just get too cold for California equivalency.

However another part of the climate can shift to be more like California and Hollywood. And it may have already shifted because of climate change.

California usually has massive wildfires every year. Indeed some plants rely on regular fires to procreate. Canada hasn’t had such extremes before but with this year’s fire season across virtually the whole country, its looking to match California’s wildfire season.

Instead of just matching California’s first two letters, Canada has raised the stakes to maybe also include regular wildfires. We’re not just Hollywood North anymore. We’re also California North.

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Shenanigans at Walmart

Self Checkouts were brought in as a business model at Walmarts a couple years ago. After all, this high tech method of checkout, only demanded a couple people to oversee about 6 self checkouts so it was more efficient. It also had the advantage of not taking so long for those people who only had a couple items they wanted to scan and pay for.

But these advantages weren’t seen by everyone. Instead, others saw that Walmart was hiring the customer at the grand total of $0.00 an hour to do work that was formerly done by a Walmart employee. Not to mention that Walmart was hurting the economy by having fewer employees.

These leftish concerns were ignored by Walmart and really I thought this was the end of the discussion. Until I heard of a Walmart in Ottawa taking out self serve areas and putting back full serve cashiers.

What is believed to be the reason for this backpedaling by this mighty corporation? Five finger discounts or theft seems to be behind it all. Walmart has neither confirmed or denied this. After all, they don’t want to spread the idea of stealing from the rich (don’t forget Walmart is legally a person with deep, deep, deep pockets) and giving to the poor (by comparison to Walmart virtually anyone is poor) is good.

In the affected store, Walmart said: “We are pleased to announce the test of the full service experience”. Now doesn’t that quote make you just have bubbles of joy move around your body.

But Walmart hasn’t backpedaled completely. They said the affected store would still have a smaller self checkout area. But it sounds like its going to have more staff lurking about. This is for the people with the couple items that don’t want to wait as long. There will be more cashier using checkouts, too. Sounds like this may be a win/win for Walmart customers and staffing.

Possibly Walmart will spread the new formula throughout its system. This way they can still say their newish business model works. It just had to be tweaked a bit.

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Swift Quake

Did you hear about the Swift quake at the Taylor Swift concert in Seattle? That’s right, Swifties’ dancing combined with the sound system are believed to have caused tiny earthquakes, the largest of which was 2.3 on the Richter scale.

Lumen Field, the site of the Swift concert, was known for the “beast quake” which occurred in 2011 when Seattle Seahawks football fans celebrated a touchdown. That measured 2.0 on the Richter scale.

Now I would like to point out before the Swifties brag too much, that Lumen Field is in an area of the US that is prone to earthquakes. As such it probably has more seismographs that are more sensitive than other ones at other locations. They want to have advance warnings if there is to be a a big quake.

Bands from a bygone era may have triggered bigger earthquakes in the past. I’m looking at the Who, which had the loudest concerts on record. So much so that band member Pete Townsend is almost deaf.

But for the record, I most want to implicate the band Queen. We Will Rock You has a pronounced simple beat that the audience can easily follow. With a clap, clap, STOMP, I bet that some Queen concert of years ago would have had the record if they were being watched by all the seismographs near Lumen Field.

But for now, Swift has the bragging rights. I bet more acts would like to play Lumen field just to see how well they will do in the great seismograph competition. Who knows maybe Queen might be curious how they could do vs. Swift?

Sensitive seismographs could be set up near other venues, all over the world. It could be an international contest of who has the most raucous fans. Who knows, maybe Swift and Lumen Field can keep the record. But with all the fans and acts around the world, I doubt it.

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‘Battle of the Generations’ to be Called Off?

The new show which pits Boomers against Gen Xers against Millennials against Gen Zers may be forced to come to a halt. Why? Because of the scarcity of Gen Xers.

When Gen X was in its infancy, it was firstly called the baby bust. That’s because there was a sharp drop off in babies after the baby boom. So obviously, to begin with, there were a lot fewer Gen Xers.

Then, to add to the scarcity, Baby Boomers and Millennials both spread their range into the Gen X territory, making Gen X even scarcer.

And now, this generational trivia show has siphoned off all the remaining Gen Xers who are good at trivia and can handle being on camera. With no one left to carry the torch for Gen X, filming of this new show has ground to a halt.

For commentary we asked gen Xer, John Abelson what he thought of this kerfuffle. All he did was ask “Is that camera on?” We finally told him it wasn’t. Then he said, “It has a light on. Is that camera on?” We gave up after our deadline for reporting had passed.

We asked the other Gen Xer Tracey Tyson if she would be interested in carrying the torch for Gen X. She said, “As sure as the British won the American Revolution, I will out trivia anyone,”

So now CTV is scrambling to try to put something together. They are thinking of changing the name to “Battle of the Significant Generations”. After all there are still some Silent generation people around who were never included in this show. Of course, if they were included, they wouldn’t be very silent.

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