Tag Archives: motorcycles

To a Quieter Future

I will not be sad when motorcycles become quieter electric vehicles. Too many times they have loudly shaken the street I’m on, just to get from point A to point B. My entreaties to make them use mufflers that actually … Continue reading

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Who is the Toughest Driver of Them All?

Motorcyclists have the reputation of being tough. Idly, one day, I wondered if this were a true belief. Firstly, I defined being tough with being the most invulnerable. So, yes, motorcyclists are tough when compared to bicyclists and pedestrians. But … Continue reading

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Bigger Hogs

I wonder if it’s just my imagination or if the average motorcycle is actually getting bigger. Now some people may be concerned with noise so they might want smaller motorcycles. I say let the motorcycles get bigger. You can’t blame … Continue reading

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